Saturday, June 4, 2011

Star Wars: Return Of The Willdabeast!!!!!!!!

 Dum dum dum dum, dum, dum dum, dum, dum dum,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah thats right, This weekend was the third weekened of Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL and Willdabeast was there minus Sharishark (shes in New York, WTF). Now im here, in my home, in front of the computer informing all you insane Asian Donut readers on all the deets!
As I entered the park this eerie feeling came over me, as if vader himself  was about to stomp over and strangle me using the force in the R/L, seriously awesome and scary at the same time, but it was most likely just the constant Star Wars Music playing on a loop all through out the park (no complaints).

Then as I made my way to the Star Wars area where the new and improved ride sat before my eyes, it was the bomb! There is 50 different scenarios the motion simulator can take you on, my fellow commanders and I were taken to wookie home planet Kashyyk, and the high flying metropolis Curoscant, although it was short the experience was so worth the wait and had me wanting to ride again and see which scenarios and mind boggling Star Wars Locale we would explore next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(RIDE IT RIDE IT RIDE IT)

After the ride the Fam and I wondered around the Star Wars explosion that is Hollywood Studios at the moment, grabbed some food, rode some more rides, and let our pale 1/2 Irish skin simmer in the sun like bacon at the local IHOP(it hurts so much)!

 Okay you guys hope you enjoyed the post and hope you enjoy the rest of the photos, see ya real soon!

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