Friday, July 1, 2011

Belated Dolfie+Metrocon= RAD!!!!!!

Sorry about the hiatus, Sharishark and I have been crazy, super, extremely busy the past few weeks, but were back with a vengeance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so Metrocon was two weeks ago and I had the pleasure of hanging out with the group attending the annual Super Dolfie meet up at Metrocon. Now According to the website depending on the body size and body type, Super Dollfie can currently be divided into 13 different series.
First of all, there are 9 different sizes. Super Dollfie sizes are not divided based upon scale, but rather on the body size at different time periods; from the youthful figure of one just born, right up to a figure just on the brink of adulthood.

Next of all, each of these sizes can be divided into two types: a human type with gender and a male or female body, and an angel type with a genderless asexual body and wings.

For example, the 'SD Ko-Tenshi' can be said to be a series that is MSD size and with an angel type body.

For the human type, as the male and female figures are different, the clothing and shoe size may differ, and the minute details of the joints and such may be different as well.

There are also some bodies that possess special mechanisms or features that enable certain sitting poses and other various types of movements.

Did you know that Super Dollfie also have their own life as a doll?
Just as humans have a full life, there is also a world in which Super Dollfie have their own full life.

Did you know that there are 4 different ways to bring a unique SD to life?

The first variation is the “Standard Model.” This Super Dollfie can change to be whatever the owner likes.

The second variation is the “Limited Edition” or “Story Arc” SD.

The third variation is the “One-Off Model,” which is a doll that bears the destiny of being one-of-a-kind throughout the whole world.

The fourth and final variation is the “Full Choice Model,” which is born from the thoughts of its owner.

Once these various SDs are welcomed by their owners, they will become parts of the owners’ selves,
conforming their appearances to their owners’ desires. They will become “Another Yourself.”
This is Super Dollfie, the miracle doll.

Thanks to the Super Dollfie Panel and there awesome guests, also Volks US for all the info!

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