Monday, June 11, 2012

WERE BACK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know its been forever, Life has been crazy, But life would be boring if it wasn't crazy wouldn't it? We have good news though, Sharishark and I are officially back and as our readers you can be siked to know we will once again be providing you with awesome news, photos, and opinions straight from the heart of Asia and beyond (space that is)! That's right all Nerdcore all the time!!!!! WOO HOO !!!!! So please stick with us, we promise to keep a steady flow of material that will be sure to entertain.

        We also wanna ask a favor from our readers!?!?! Since we know your all awesome individuals because c'mon your on our blog, we would like to ask if you could please leave comments w/ constructive criticism to let us know if your into it or just want it to stop! once again thanks for sticking with us through all the HUB BUB, we will make sure to make it worth your long wait because the last thing we need is another Phantom Menace situation :)

Thanx and with Love <3 WILLDABEAST & SHARISHARK!

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