Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Daesung involved in crash

 Hey everyone, breaking news, Daesung of the super group Big Bang was involved in an obscenely Sad and idiotic car accident involving vehicular man slaughter, On May 31st at approximately 1:40 AM on the south side of the Yanghwa Bridge in Seoul, it was reported that Daesung crashed into a taxi and a motorcyclist that was already passed out on the street. While the taxi driver stopped his car to help the motorcyclist, who was hit by a previous hit-and-run accident, Daesung crashed into the stopped taxi, and in the process hit/killed the motorcyclist who was on the ground as well. When police arrived on the scene of the accident, it was reported that they administered Daesung an alcohol test, which revealed that Daesung was not under the influence. He was then at the police station for further investigation. The Seoul Youngdeung-Po Police Department has released an official statement on May 31st about Daesung’s role in the car accident, stating, “Daesung has violated his duty to drive safely.” The police explained: “At 1:28AM, Daesung was driving in the first lane from Hapjeong-dong in the direction of Yangpyung-dong on a 4-lane road. He was driving at 80km per hour (speed limit is 60km/h) and crashed into a stopped taxi after driving over a motorcyclist who was passed out on the street.” They continued, “We will carry out a more detailed examination by monitoring the CCTV collected around the accident site, as well as gathering eyewitness reports and understanding the path of the motorcycle. We have requested an autopsy on the victim from the National Institute of Scientific Investigation.

Meanwhile, the police are examining the accident in great detail, combing through certain facts like how the motorcyclist was already bleeding before Daesung’s accident, leading to a theory of a possible prior hit-and-run. According to the police, Daesung seemed to have not seen the motorcyclist because he was scrambling to brake when he saw the stopped taxi in front of him. It’s been revealed that Daesung hadn’t been driving under the influence and that the taxi driver did not sustain any major injuries. After the accident, Daesung and the taxi driver underwent five hours of investigation by the authorities before returning home. At the police station, Daesung said, “There was one car behind the taxi in the first lane. When both cars suddenly moved to the second lane, I couldn’t avoid hitting the taxi that had returned to the first lane to stop.” The police revealed, “We plan to find the cause of the motorcyclist’s death. In order to determine if the motorcyclist had died due to Daesung’s car, we had requested a detailed analysis from the National Institute of Scientific Investigation and have obtained the CCTV footage from the area. We plan to investigate this scientifically. When the motorcycle was found, it found standing more than 10m away from the motorcyclist. Whether this was due to a hit-and-run or another previous accident will be investigated with the Highway Department.” It appears that results of the motorcycle analysis will take up to 7-10 days.
Daesung has received much shock due to this accident. A YG representative revealed, ”After finishing the police investigation at 7AM, Daesung has returned to his dorm with his manager.
YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk said, “We will continue to follow the results that the police investigations reveal regarding the accident. Currently, Daesung’s distress is not due to his mistake, but due to his sorrow for the motorcyclist who died due to an accident.”

If you would like to keep up to date on this constantly unravelling tragedy, ALL K-POP (which is where I recieved all of the info for this post) is constantly updating there info, and has crazy good connections with YG ENTERTAINMENT!

Also we here at the Asian Donut want to wish everyone involved the best, and hope everything works out and the truly guilty party is found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YG FIGHTING

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