Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Okay you guys, so I was browsing play-asia looking for anime goodies, yeah know the normal week night ritual, and I found this pretty dope new Pokemon game called Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS!The description says it helps you "Practice typing with Pokemon. The little creatures dart out on the screen, find their names and type it in before they run away. The game trains players reflexes and fingers and is perfect for Japanese beginners to learn the basics of reading and typing.There is an extra Romaji mode for absolute beginners, start here and work up the levels while the veterans can compete in the medal mode. The cutely designed package comes with the Nintendo DS wireless keyboard."
For someone who really wants to learn japanese (has Me written all over it) and loves cute little pokemon (dont be embarrassed, you know you do) this game sounds like heaven, RIIIIIGHT!?!?!?!?!?! We'll your out of luck because its sold out on Play-Asia, but that doesnt mean E-bay isnt crawling with dudes pawning this hybrid learning experience at a gross profit, maybe you'll find that rare good deal, lets all shoot for that!!!!!!! Also something that is still available and amazing is this Pikachu Charger Stand! Who doesnt need that, I mean really?

BTW, I was really trying to make this post cuter than the one below, but wowza thats alot of cute!!!!!


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