Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One more post before I go to bed....

Sooo I have work tomorrow and I should be sleeping to be well rested, but I couldnt help but wanna post about some recent anime shows I have been into...
As many of you do NOT know me at all hehe
I just want to say that in the past 2 years I have recently caught on to the whole anime scene.
My first "anime convention" being FX which is held yearly (I believe) in Orlando, Florida.
Since I am a HUGGGEEE Hayao Miyazaki fan, and my best friend has ALWAYS been an Otaku since I can remember, I decided I could possibly get into more of this Anime/Manga culture going on...
Now my first anime series to finish was Mai HiME which is still a favorite of mine, and then I think the next one I attempted to watch was Chobits and Gurren Lagan.
I wasnt able to start Chobits and I didnt care for Gurren Lagan, but I knew there were other shows out there that would attract me...
Soooo OF COURSE I continued going to anime conventions, and I have for the past 2 years been attending Comic Con in New York City with my best friend William.
BUT recently more and more anime/manga have been catching my eye, and since Ive discovered FUNIMATION, KinoKuniya, and other stores around me Im becoming obsessed.
With that being said I just wanted to give those who are interested in anime and arent full-on OTAKU's like William Fancypants, a few shows and mangas I found to be realllly enjoyable:
*Mai Hime
*Haruhi Suzumiya
*High School Of the Dead
*Cutie Honey
*Slayers Revolution
*Corpse Princess
*Chobits (just started watching it, but so far I really like it)
*Black Butler (Both Manga and the Series)
I will keep you updated on new ones that I start watching...
And if you have Verizion Fios as your cable provider more than likely you have Funimation!
So just a small heads up as of recently they are playing:
*Black Butler
*Soul Eater
*Slayers Revolution
*Corpse Princess.
Now their scheduling on their shows is very scattered but I have my tv set to record the new episodes when they pop up so I dont watch reruns!
And if you know of any Anime/Manga series I may enjoy just let me know!!!! <3

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